Fungal infection

Candidiasis is likely if you have persistently sore nipples. Candida thrives in the warm, moist areas of the infant’s mouth and on the nipples, with the use of antibiotics promoting its overgrowth. While some blisters may resolve on their own while nursing, it’s important to address the infection promptly.


    • Extremely sore nipples
    • Burning, itching, shooting, or stabbing nipple pain that radiates to the chest wall, typically following a period of painless breastfeeding
    • Baby may have white patches in their mouth and/or diaper rash, with raised, red, sore-looking buttocks
    • Baby may be fussy and refuse the breast

Tips if you are suffering from a fungal infection:

    • See your doctor for topical anti-fungal medication (miconazole cream). Treatment is required for your infant if affected.  
    • Boil pacifiers or artificial teats/nipples daily and replace them frequently.
    • Trim the baby's fingernails and wash toys in hot, soapy water.
    • Wash bras and cloth nursing pads daily and dry them in direct sunlight.
    • Rinse nipples in a weak bicarbonate of soda solution to create an alkaline environment.
    • Eliminate simple sugars and yeasts from your diet and consume probiotics.
    • Any milk pumped during a fungal infection outbreak can be used during treatment but should not be stored for later use, as freezing does not kill the fungus.

These steps can help manage and alleviate the symptoms of candidiasis, promoting healing and comfort for both you and your baby.